Most Common Questions
North Star is a family home so it is not open to the public.
Thank you for being interested in our flowers! At this time, we’re focused on providing flowers locally and are not offering shipping but if you’re in the area flowers can be purchased directly from the farm during the growing season by going to the Flower Shop. I also recommend going to Floret’s Farmer-Florist Collective to find flowers that are local to your area.
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Our focus is in wedding and event flowers. We also sell everyday flowers and are happy to work with local florists but do not primarily grow for wholesale.
The flowers at North Star are gently grown without the use of toxic or harmful chemicals but they are not certified organic. The growing practices here aim for building a nutrient-rich cycle on our land that supports the healthy growth of our flowers and we prefer to remain focused on being stewards of the land as opposed to working through certification processes.
At this time, we do not offer CSA (Consumer Supported Agriculture) or cropshares, but you can visit the Flower Shop and purchase recurring flowers in one-month intervals. You can purchase multiple months at one time to have fresh flowers every week throughout the summer.
Growing Questions
I have some of my favorite seed sources listed at the bottom of my post How to Know How Many Seeds to Buy.
You can find your hardiness zone by entering your zip code on the USDA’s Hardiness Zone Map website.
If you’re wanting to get started in your flower growing journey, the first place I would start is by look at the Resources page from Floret. Floret offers an incredible amount of information online for free and has an in-depth online workshop that they host every year to help you get going in the right direction!
Wedding Questions
North Star is based out of Newport, Washington in Pend Oreille County. We serve areas in Spokane, Kootenai, Pend Oreille and Bonner counties. Depending on the time of year and business of the season, we are open to a little bit of travel for full-service weddings. If you’re curious about a location, email Deanna at
If you’re looking for local flowers for your wedding, you can search for other Farmer-Florists through Floret’s Online Collective or even talk to your local florists. They often times know where to source local flowers.
There’s not sure answer since this depends on a couple different factors:
- The growing season: our season typically runs from May through October, so to give everything time to grow and avoid frost, we take weddings between Mid-June and the first weekend of October. That usually leave 16 weekends with farm-grown flowers.
- The type of wedding: with a la carte orders, we can take up to three weddings in one weekend. For full-service, it’s usually just one per weekend to account for set-up, transition, and a late strike. The time it takes for a full-service wedding is why we charge a 20% service and production fee.
- Personal time: down time is just as important as production time, so typically throughout the growing season there is one weekend each month that is taken off (or only accommodating one a la carte wedding that is set for farm pick-up).
So in a single growing season, we can take anywhere between 14 and 40 weddings. Weddings are reserved on a first come, first serve basis so the sooner you reserve your vendors, the better!
Bridal bouquets can be ordered through the online flower shop. Be sure to give us at least 48 hours notice and plan to pickup your bouquet between 3 days and the day before your elopement.
Example: If you’re getting married on July 27th, you’ll want to plan to pick up your bouquet between the 24th and 26th. We’ll provide a vase with water and flower food if you would like.